Cloud Architecture Patterns

Cloud Architecture Patterns and Cloud Design Patterns have emerged throughout the history of software development.  The concept of patterns lends itself nicely to the Cloud and Automated Configuration Management.

Problem to Solution

There are a number of very common problems that have “best practice” solutions that are roughly described by a pattern.  The idea behind a pattern is not to force a team to use a specific technology, but rather to employ a class or category of solution.  For instance, Instead of requiring someone to use Jenkins, a pattern would suggest deploying a continuous integration solution.

There is quite a comprehensive list of cloud computing patterns found at

The concept of Blue-Green deployments has become popular as of late.  This is a pattern used to solve the problem of keeping a solution running while developing a newer version that can be placed into production quickly without downtime or interruption.  This is described in much more detail at Martin Fowlers wiki page:

Cloud Architecture Patterns

NIST Cloud Architecture Patterns



