“There are many ways to provide for failover and clustered services.  One very specific way to achieve high availability that allows for leap-frog releases cycles is blue-green deployments.  The idea is to have a mirrored setup where release code runs one one environment and pre-release code runs on the other.  This creates an environment that provides rollback, reliability, failover and a host of other capabilities.”

“Blue-green deployment allows you to upgrade production software without downtime. You deploy the new version into a copy of the production environment and change routing to switch.”

Source: BlueGreenDeployment



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“Another quick reference card on Continuous Integration Patterns.  Automation of builds is not a new practice, why not learn how to consistently describe and develop it.”

Continuous Integration is the process of building software with every change committed to a project’s version control repository. CI can be explained via patterns (i.e., ineffective approaches used to “fix” the specific problem) and anti-patterns associated with the process. This DZone Refcard will walk you through 40 different Patterns and Anti-patterns associated with CI and expands the notion of CI to include concepts such as Deployment and Provisioning. The end result is learning whether you are capable of delivering working software with every source change.

Source: Continuous Integration – DZone – Refcardz



Categories: Uncategorized

I have never been a big believer in patterns for software development.  As I have grown in my understanding of tools and how consistency plays a part in velocity it is becoming more apparent to me that practical/pragmatic patterns are a good thing.  Here is one article I have read recently regarding SCM patterns.  Not rocket science, but its undeniable the amount of redundant “discovery” taking place when teams believe they are inventing the wheel.

“Software Configuration Management can mean the difference between clarity and confusion in the development cycle. The 16 patterns discussed in this card together serve as potential ways to increase team agility, and they are further enhanced by the inclusion of some general guidelines for improved SCM, as well as a list of useful resources. These patterns are described in further detail in Steve Berczuk’s book, Software Configuration Management Patterns: Effective Teamwork, Practical Integration.”

Source: Software Configuration Management Patterns – DZone – Refcardz



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